About Us

Lumvel LED Lighting solutions is the name that has constantly evolved itself and shaped up the lighting industry with the most innovative solutions. We are a 30 years old legacy that has maintained its name and reputation in the market with the superior quality of products and services that we offer. Our products carry with them superlatively refined quality and the most advanced technology with them that light up the ambience and lives of our customers in the most aesthetically magnificent way. It is possible because of the trust that has been built with the superiority of work that we constantly offer and the customer satisfaction that we get to see after each purchase made from Lumvel Lighting. Our vision has always been to become the leading player in the new-age lighting industry. We believe in what we deliver and fulfil the ambience requirements of every space through the exemplary quality of lighting that styles up your space with grace. Our state of the art lights offers the flexibility of designs that deliver our clients and customers a wide range of options to choose from. Whenever you hear the name of Lumvel Lighting get ready to raise your brows and drop your jaws with an impeccable lighting solution that wows.